Computer Diagnostic

Car parts degrade over time. Depending on how many miles you rack up, your car may suddenly break down if you haven't been receiving routine maintenance. When a blinker comes up on your dashboard, don't let it pass you by. Let Martin's Automatic Transmissions’s repair service examine your car and take care of the problem ASAP.

We offer auto computer diagnostic testing, which looks at all parts of the car to accurately pinpoint possible issues. Preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid costly repairs. We put your car through an auto drivability screening to make sure it's ready to go back on the road. Our transmission shop is top of the line; we make sure no detail is left out when we diagnose your car problems. Whether your vehicle needs a transmission rebuild, brake change or other auto service attention, we'll let you know.

Don't ignore any underlying problems and contact Martin's Automatic Transmissions in El Paso, TX for professional auto diagnostics.